Process Paper

Why I chose my topic

I chose my topic because it fit in well with debate and diplomacy. Also it went well with local history being that all this happened only a short forty minute drive from my school. George Washington’s prominent role in Fort Necessity, which interested me very much.

How I conducted my research

First I researched on the internet and found a large portion of my information. I also read a book about George Washington and provided a good deal of information. I also attended a trip to the actual recreated Fort Necessity and the museum that had many nice and useful exhibits. While at Fort Necessity I interviewed a ranger there, Jane Clark, who gave my peers and I valuable information. Also I read Washington’s old journal notes and entries.

How I created my website

First I created an outline with all of the important information, articles, and notes. Next, I searched for a website creator and found it was a free website creator that had many nice formats and options for me to use. The final step was to input all of my information into my website and publish it to the internet.

How my topic relates to the theme

The topic of George Washington’s defeat at Fort Necessity fits in very well with debate and diplomacy.  One aspect it fits in with is the debate whether George Washington made the right decision to have Joseph Coulon de Villers assassinated or not. Also it is diplomatic because of the surrender of the British and the time and thought that went into the surrender document so that the British were able to get something out of it. With the result of Fort Necessity it is easy to say that this topic easily fits in with the theme of debate and diplomacy.